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Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2016

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Pokémon Go’ Catching Tips: Tracking Pokémon



Pokémon Go’ Catching Tips: Tracking Pokémon

Catching Pokémon in Pokémon Go can be tricky, but even worse is when the Pokémon you want doesn’t even show up. While we still don’t know how to summon specific Pokémon you want to catch, we have an idea how to track down the ones nearby.

Pokémon Tracking

When playing Pokémon Go, you may have noticed a tracker in the lower right corner showing nearby Pokémon. Clicking the icon brings up a bigger menu, showing up to nine of the closest monsters for you to catch. If you see a Pokémon you watch to catch in this menu, click on it to make it the only one displayed on the main screen.
From here, you’re going to have to do some guesswork, but following the steps should help you get close and catch your prey. Keep in mind that the fewer footprints there are, the closer you are to the Pokémon. Also, the further down the list of nearby Pokémon yours goes, the further you are from it.
  1. Select the Pokémon you want from the Nearby Pokémon list
  2. Start walking in a direction of your choice
    1. If the Pokémon disappears from your Nearby Pokémon list, turn around and walk the other way
  3. Keep walking in one direction until the footprint icons drop from three to two to one
  4. Once you have one footprint left, start looking around for rustling leaves on your map
  5. Hope that the Pokémon shows up!
  6. (OPTIONAL) Use an Incense to get extra attraction power
This method has had some first-hand success, but doesn’t work all the time. Often, a Pokémon will simply disappear from your Nearby Pokémon list, only to reappear right after you’ve given up and started walking in the other direction. While the method isn’t perfect, it at least gives some direction for your hunt.

Catching Pokémon GO

As we’ve mentioned before, catching Pokémon is pretty straightforward. Simply flick the Poké Ball from the bottom of the screen up to the Pokémon. For an easier time, follow these tips:
  • Wait for the circle to be as small as possible before making your throw. This seems to help capture Pokémon
  • Use a Razz Berry to make the Pokémon more calm and friendly
  • If you are Level 12 or higher, switch to a Great Ball by clicking the Backpack icon
  • If you want to get a curve ball bonus on your throw, spin the ball in quick circles before flicking it at the Pokémon
  • Wait for Pokémon to finish their attack animations before throwing your Poké Ball

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