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Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2016

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Is it possible to cheat in Pokémon Go?


Is it possible to cheat in Pokémon Go?

First, though it’s not technically cheating, the app offers in-game purchases that allow you to spend real money on items like lures and incense that will help you catch more Pokémon more often. These purchases can enhance your gaming experience and increase your chances of procuring a desired Pokémon, giving you an advantage over people who are just playing the game for free.
And then there are actual cheating hacks, like installing programs that alter or spoof your GPS settings, in order to potentially catch Pokémon in places you might not have access to. Doing this would allow you to, say, nab a Pokémon off the coast of Maine even if you live in Kansas. Altering your GPS settings would also let you "tell" your phone that you’ve walked a certain distance, and one of the features of the game (hatching eggs to give you Pokémon) is based on how far you travel.
But even if you just want that Articuno so very bad, don’t cheat. Cheaters have terrible reputations as game ruiners.

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