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Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2016

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How much data and battery life will I use while playing Pokémon Go?



How much data and battery life will I use while playing Pokémon Go?

You will use a lot of data, so if you don’t have an unlimited data plan for your phone, be careful. Think about it: Pokémon Go requires your phone to be constantly checking and transmitting your location via GPS, which is a data-heavy endeavor. And the very nature of the game — namely, the impetus to get outdoors and keep moving — means that more often than not, you’ll be using a cellular connection rather than a wifi connection.
Additionally, the game’s constant use of your camera will quickly drain your battery. You can try the age-old trick of decreasing the brightness of your screen to save some juice, but your best option is to have some kind of external and preferably portable power source, like a backup battery pack.

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